Every user will have a storage area within J2e - this is called the My Files area. Any documents created and saved will be stored in this area.
A how to video can be accessed here
Uploading and sharing work with other users
Adding files
Users can upload files from their device to their My Files area.
Click on the upload tile.
Drag and drop files from your device into the box.
Click choose files, select a file from your device and click open.
These files will now be stored in My Files
Open My Files
Click and drag files onto the dropbox area (left hand side of screen)
Sharing files with other users
Sharing files with other users
Work can be shared with other users
click on MyFiles
Hover over the piece of work to be shared
click the green "i" button
select the user to be shared with either by typing or by using the drop down menu
The work will now be accessible by the other user through the shared files tile on their launchpad, until permissions are removed or the file deleted