Launching J2homework

To launch J2homework, click on the green "j2homework" tile within j2launch:

Teacher view

J2homework will open, displaying currently assigned homework. You will also have the option to show expired homework by selecting the tick box, and homework created by other teachers (within the "school homework" tab). 

To open an existing homework assignment, simply click on the relevant homework assignment:

Setting homework from MyFiles 

To set/assign homework, click on the "create homework" button (top right) This will launch the homework assignment screen. You will need to add a title, description (with optional audio instructions if you wish) and then assign to an individual/group/class. The homework will have a default due date of one week - this can be changed as desired:

Homework can be set with or without links (allowing for the assignment of non-digital homework as well as digital). 

To assign a file as a homework assignment, or as supporting documentation (such as a WAGOLL, instructional video, hook for writing, etc.) click on the "add file button". This will take you to your MyFiles area, where you can search for file names and types. You can add multiple files to the homework assignment. Select the files you wish to attach and click ok:

You also have the option to add links to external websites, e.g. Wikipedia, YouTube, etc., using the URL box. Simply copy the website URL and paste into the box. This will add the link  into the homework assignment.

Using PDF files in j2homework will open them using j2e5

Assign the homework to an individual, group or class using the "add classes or pupil" button. You can select multiple pupils/groups. Once selected, click "ok":

Finally, define the homework start and due date. It is possible to select a start date in the future - the homework will appear at the start time selected. 

To assign the homework, click the 'create homework' button. The homework will be listed and accessible through the j2homework area for your pupils to complete, and will look similar to this:

If you wish to edit the homework select the homework, and click on the pen (edit) button: 

Assigning Library resources as homework

Library activities can be quickly set as homework by clicking the "homework" button within the library resource. This will use the resource to auto fill the title, description and URL boxes. You can embellish the description if you wish, or add your own audio instructions. You can also add additional files using the add file button. The resource will automatically be shared with the students (no need to share first)

Pupil View

Homework notifications

Pupils will receive a notification that they have homework to complete:

Completing homework

To complete assigned homework, students need to open the homework tool. They will see a list of assigned activities, with the most pressing activities listed first. Student's can also access completed and expired activities but checking the boxes (top right):

To open the homework students just need to click on the homework assignment they wish to open. Links and buttons to files are fully interactive, and will open in a new window.

Submitting work for marking

Before the homework can be submitted, the pupil needs to attach their work. This is done by clicking on the "add file" button. They then select a relevant media format, and attach files as necessary: 

Once the files are attached, they can press the "mark as completed button". They will given one prompt before the homework is then submitted for marking:

The homework will close and return to the homework home-screen, with the recently completed homework removed from the list. To reinstate completed homework, just check the "show completed" button.  

Marking homework

Once a pupil has completed their homework, a notification will appear in the 'submitted' area within the homework. You can view and assess the homework by clicking "view" next to the appropriate student's name. This will take you directly to the pupil's submitted work.

Once the work has been marked, you will be able to mark the work as "complete" or "not yet complete. 

Marking the work as complete will move the work to the "completed" tab. Marking the work as "not yet complete" will move the work back into the "not submitted" tab, and will also reinstate the homework in the pupil's homework area.  You may want to leave a learning conversation about improvements that are required.

Once you have marked their work, check the "reviewed" box to enable you to keep check on incoming homework: :