Spell blast allows pupils to practice their spellings in a fun, games based learning environment.
Setting your own class spellings
SpellBlast has a number of pre-set spellings lists, based around the National Curriculum. Pupils can select these lists to suit their needs.
As well as this function, teachers can set their own spelling lists. To do this, click on the "abc" button within the teachers area:
This will open up the spellings list library. Here you can access the shared lists (National Curriculum) and "My" lists. To add a spelling list, click the "My" tab, and then click the "+" button:
Add a title for your spellings list and add your own spellings. These spellings can be typed directly into the box, or copy and pasted from an outside source. Once your spellings are added, click OK:
SpellBlast has two audio functions: auto generated pronunciation or user recordings. By default the system will create auto generated speech. If you would like to keep this as a function simply click "OK".
If you wish to record your own audio to support the spellings list, click the radio button "use recorded audio" and use the recording function. Click ok to attach the audio to the spelling:
Use the arrow keys to navigate between the spellings - you can use a combination of auto generated and recorded speech if you wish. Once you are happy with the audio, click OK.
Sharing a spelling list
Once the spelling list is created, it will still only be visible by the user that created the list. To make this visible to others the list needs to be shared.
To share the spelling list, click on the share button on the list, and select who you would like to share with:
Removing share permissions
Should you want to remove access permissions to the spelling list, simply open up the share screen and click on the "x" next to the relevant user to be removed: