If parents are connected to the parent portal, there are 3 options that you need to think about.
- Do you want parents to have access to j2journal?
- Do you want parents to be able to comment on journal entries?
- Do you want parents to be able to add learning content to the journal?
1. Parental access to the journal is controlled on a whole school basis, and the setting for this is found in the dashboard. If this is turned off, none of the below changes will be able to be made. Untick the boxes to disallow.
2&3. Parental comments and contributions can be turned on/off on a whole school OR class by class basis. Whole school settings are found in dashboard (see above).
Class by class settings are found in the opening page of j2journal. Click on the edit button.
Untick to disallow.
Click save (see above).