There are several different ways to add a new folder into a journal. Start by opening j2jou

When adding content to a journal, when you reach the folders step (after choosing the content, and tagging pupils, click 'Add folder'. 

NB: if you have several folders already, you will need to scroll to the bottom of the list to see the 'Add folder' button

Name your folder, and choose a colour for it.

Click 'Create folder'

Alternatively, from within a journal, go to the 'all folders' tab on the left hand side, and click 'Create/Edit folders'

Click the + button 

NB: if you have several folders already, you will need to scroll to the bottom of the list to see the '+ button

Name your folder, and choose a colour for it.

Click 'Create folder'

Or, find the add folders area by clicking on the ... next to any journal entry.

Choose 'edit folders' and follow the steps from above to add your folder.