1. Open j2journal from your launchpad
2. Click 'New journal' to begin
3. Select a class from the drop down list. This can be a registration (green) or teaching (purple) class.
The idea of j2journal is that you create one journal per class, and organise groups into folders. However, it is possible to create a journal for a group within a class by first creating a teaching class for that group.
4. If the options are enabled for your school (see https://support.j2e.com/a/solutions/articles/77000575039 for how make changes school wide in dashboard), choose whether you want parents to be able to contribute to and/or comment on your journal.
5. Click create to finish your journal set up.
6. Now add some learning content. (See https://support.j2e.com/a/solutions/articles/77000575036 for how to add content to your journal)
Children can also add content to j2journal by clicking on the tile on their launchpad. However, there are two key differences; 1- They can only see, and add to, journals of classes that they are in.
2- When they are looking in a journal, they can only see learning that they have added or been tagged in.