Please note: Speech-to-text may not be available in all browsers. A list of supported browsers can be found here
Similar to other tools offered by Just2easy, j2create supports the ability to dictate text within the tools and append this to the desired place within your j2create document.
For more general information on speech to text please see: How to use to speech-to-text functionality
Where to find
To start using the speech-to-text functionality within j2create you will need to have clicked within an area of text or have started a new paragraph. To do this:
- Simply click on the piece of text you want to edit.
- Click in a blank area on the page.
To the right-hand side of the page, you will see a list of options available. In this list, you will see the speech-to-text icon(). Clicking on this icon will display the speech-to-text popup.
For further instruction on speech-to-text please see: How to use to speech-to-text functionality