Adding users

To add users, open the “manage users” tile. Users can be added manually (best for individual users) or bulk upload (best for creating multiple accounts) :


Adding users manually

To add a user manually click on the grey “+” button. This will open the “add user” sub-menu. Username, password and user type are all essential set-up information.


Once this information is entered be sure to click the “add user” button. The user will be added to the user database.


Bulk upload of user information

Users can be created in bulk by uploading a CSV. file filled with user information. A copy of the CSV. file can be downloaded here

Information can be copied and pasted from your school management system. Be sure to input the username in the format you wish your users to login with. 

Once the CSV. file is complete, use the “upload CSV.” button to upload the file. The system will automatically generate accounts for all users outlined in the CSV. document



Should you wish to update the information at a later date, simply click the "download csv" button, make changes to the template, and re-upload. J2dashboard will make the changes automatically.