Logging into Just2easy
The Just2easy login page allows you to sign in to our tools in many ways, and will depend on how school/your computing lead has chosen to access Just2easy. We offer manual school accounts, as well as the option for integration with Google, Microsoft and Wonde. (if you are unsure about which login method your school is using, please contact your computing lead in school).
If using a manual login, you will be provided with a school account name, username, and password by your school. You can use these credentials to login here:
If your school has chosen to integrate with Google or Microsoft, click on the relevant button and use your school Google or Microsoft credentials to login:
SSO users
In addition to this, we also offer SSO (Single Sign-on) with various providers (such as LGfL, HWB or C2k). If you use any of the managed services listed below, click on the relevant link (either from the list below, or from our login page j2e.com ) and use your existing SSO credentials to login.
Supported SSO partners (click on the link to access the relevant login portal) :
- Entrust / BGfL
- Microsoft (Azure & Microsoft 365)
- Education Authority for Northern Ireland (C2K)
- Hwb
- RM Unify
- School 360
- Malta
Using a QR code
Depending on the device and browser you are using you may be able to scan a QR code to sign in to your account without having to enter any details or navigate away from our sign-in page. Simply click on the QR code button to scan your code and you'll be signed in to our award-winning tools.
Please note: QR code logins are a pupil only login solution. Teachers will need to use the appropriate login method as mandated by school.