Adding, populating and sharing files couldn't be easier!

Navigate to the MyFiles area on your launchpad. Click the folder icon at the top right hand side of the screen:

Here you can name your folder:

A new folder will now appear in your MyFiles area:

Files can be easily added by dragging into the folder:

To share your folder, hover over the folder, click the green "i" icon that appears in the top right hand corner. and click the share button. The share sub-menu will allow you to share with the whole school, classes or individuals within your school account. You also have the option to copy the link, or send link via email:

Now other users will be able to access the folder through their Shared Files tile on their J2launchpad:

Please note - only the shared folder creator/owner will be able to add content into the shared folder. All other users with access to the shared folder will be able to view all files, but not add. 

Should other users wish to access content within the shared folder, open the file and select save. This will save a copy into that users My Files area, ready to use.